Maison & Objet 2013 (二) 巴黎家饰展 Inspirations: Vivant | DAZ – Design A to Z 阅读好设计

Maison & Objet 2013 (二) 巴黎家饰展 Inspirations: Vivant

Inspirations: Vivant

The art of living aspires to better living. Our dematerialized, virtual world is searching for a harmonious lifestyle that is more anchored in reality.

A new vitality is perfecting the riches of Nature. Design is recomposing a bio-inspired world. The world of the home, a true living organism, is part of this revitalizing effect. We are rediscovering the primal force of original fodder.

We are exploring the modalities of emotional comfort in which Beauty is first. We are experimenting with new fields in the sciences in order to lay the foundations for hope of rebirth. A manifesto for a better present, with the rallying cry: life to the hilt.