ABOUT US | DAZ – Design A to Z 閱讀好設計



DAZ 追求的正是一個乾淨、漂亮的閱讀介面,在資訊紛雜且讓人無所適從的網路世界當中,簡單、豐富又內斂的資訊平台真的很少,DAZ 提供網路閱覽者一個完美的選擇。

最貼近日常生活的家具設計,最容易刺激反思和設計靈感,每件獨一無二的設計都有其故事和想法。DAZ 穿游於產品、設計師、製造商和各個品牌之間,提供每個渴望認識設計的人一個完整且豐富的資訊平台。

DAZ 以最簡單的形式和世界同步脈動,以英文字母 A-Z 的方式編排,從 A 到 Z 分享好設計,期許網站的內容能在讀者的心裡圈起一波波充滿創意的設計漣漪。

DAZ 致力於將最專業、正確的設計資訊分享給所有使用者。不論是設計愛好者、設計系學生、設計工作者、家具經銷商、家具製造商,都能在這邊找到新知和不同以往的體驗。



Established in 2012, DAZ is a Taiwan based website that focuses on industrial design and furniture design products.

DAZ is an online encyclopedia of furniture design, where you can link about products, designers, brands, manufacturers, retailers and all different kinds of information. Our main goal is to become the largest Chinese online broadcasting media in modern design.

Maintaing a clean,simple,modern interface is one of our major concerns. In a world flooding of overwhelming information, a resource which provides up to date, precise, correct and thoughtful information is very important. Here at DAZ we wish to share our passion of design with people who care.



DAZ 這個設計資訊平台讓家具經銷商和消費者之間也能輕易的連結,讓消費者可以在一個舒適、自由的氛圍內瀏覽家具設計的資訊,去尋找心目中最優質的生活空間。

如果你有漂亮好看的廣告Banner、想要提供各式設計資訊,或是您有意刊登活動或品牌資訊 (但缺了個好看的廣告 Banner),都歡迎與我們連絡。



Reach your target audience at DAZ, where brand recognition and acceptance is amplified.

Online advertising is more than just putting an ad on the banner, DAZ can assist you with creative and thoughtful content and create interactive involvement.


聯絡方式 DAZ


若對於 DAZ 還是有很多疑問,請不要吝嗇也不要害羞,歡迎來信 hello@daz.com.tw 或上 Facebook 與我們聯繫。

電郵 E-mail: hello@daz.com.tw
臉書 Facebook: www.facebook.com/daz.com.tw



If you are looking for additional information or you have some questions to ask, feel free to contact us as the info above, we would love to hear from you.

Yours sincerely DAZ